Thank you for registering for the 10-Day Mind Body Fitness Challenge!
Get ready to SHAPE your thinking to SHIFT your body.
Here's what you need to know about this particular challenge:
1. Be sure to add "[email protected]" to your list of contacts & check your spam folder just in case.
2. The challenge starts with you choosing a workout video, but not so fast! You'll want to watch the first video (I just sent it to your inbox!) before you make your decision.
3. The remaining 9 days of the challenge is where we really get to work! We work IN in order to work OUT. This challenge is about changing your thinking so you can finally experience success, regardless of the fitness program you choose.
4. You will receive an email from me every day along with a short coaching video (10 mins or less).
5. Be sure to have a notebook & a pen so you can get the most of our time together!
See you in the first video!
~ Dana Lee
p.s. You can get a jump start on things by requesting to join the private Mind Body Fitness Challenge Facebook group here.