Finallyyyy!!!! It only took me 20 freakin' years.

I can FINALLY attend a wedding, eat what I want, drink what I want & NOT feel like I have to torture myself with a grueling workout the morning after, OR starve myself the day of AND still maintain my body weight without any shaming or beating myself up..

Yes, you read that right.

TWENTY years to break free from obsessing about how many calories I was eating vs expending.

....Running constant calculations through my head on how I was going to make up for the damage I did for splurging & celebrating. Going off the deep end.

So, how did I get here? What did it take?

It took me 5 stages....

well, 6, really. I realized there is an extension of the 5th stage that I didn't touch on in this particular video AND thank god, because it gives me a GREAT reason to start Periscoping! (More on that in a bit.)

It started when I was 16 years old hitting stage 1 pretty hard. Through my 20's I moved through stages 2 & 3. In my early/mid 30's, stage 4 & then within the last year - as I stopped wearing my heart rate monitor for this reason - stage 5.

There's no reason it would or should take YOU as long as it took me.

In fact, if I had been exposed to taking the next step by a coach or a mentor earlier, I'm sure I would have.

But, these were things I had to discover on my own.

So, today I share 20 years of insight with YOU in this video on how I ultimately broke free from calorie obsession in my workouts without gaining weight (In fact, I just put a fitted dress on over the weekend that I wore 2 years ago at another wedding).

Ok, now on to Periscope.

What the hell is it you ask? (besides freakin' AWESOME)

It's a free LIVE video streaming app that is linked to twitter. You download it to your smartphone.

It allows me to broadcast LIVE to you - like, as close to in-person as we can get - you can type questions & comments & join me in real time! (right up the RealFit ally right?) & then the little video is kept up there for you to watch as a replay for 24 hours in case you miss it live.

I've decided to do my first broadcast TOMORROW night (September 9, 2015) at 8pm EST. I'll touch on the 5 stages I talk about in the video above & then go further into stage 6. You can ask me any questions you'd like & I will stay on for as long as you want me to 🙂 If no questions, I'll call it a night.

I'd be happy to share more ways for you to break free from this shit & STILL get the body you want! So get yourself started here & follow my account as Dana Lee: @DanaLeeRealFit

I just started this (as of this post) so I don't have many followers yet... that means if you jump on, you'll most likely get your questions answered!

No worries if you miss it, it will be up there for 24 hours for you to tune in & watch (altho, you won't be able to ask questions on the replay)

Here's how to get started with Periscope:
1. Go to the app store.
2. Search Periscope
3. Download it.
4. Open it
5. Search for Dana Lee or @DanaLeeRealFit & click on the + button to start following me.
6. Overtime you open the app, you'll see the recent broadcasts that have happened over the previous 24 hours.

This is gonna be funnnnnn!

Want workouts that are super effective & ease your mind about how many calories you're burning? Join RealResults! You get amazing support & coaching built into every workout video that helps you create some subtle changes in how you are thinking & how you are performing - making every workout better than the last. Click here to start your 14 day trial & I'll see you in the welcome video!

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