Time is precious. & We are also very impatient when it comes to getting results from our workouts & our effort. So, this video reviews 5 ways for you to improve your calorie burn by at least 25%, if not MORE. I'm extremely dedicated to helping you cut the corners & get WAY more our of your workouts in WAY less time. These are 5 things I do personally & it has made all the difference in helping me feel cooked & accomplished even after a 20 minute workout.
5 Ways to Burn 25% More Calories During Your Workout
by Dana Lee | Apr 1, 2014 | Fitness, RealFit TidBits
Post workout advice in regards to food/fluid intake?
Hi Jean 🙂 This is a loaded question. So, I will answer simply until I can do a tidbit on it. I don’t recommend any fluids other than water UNLESS you are in extreme heat & losing a lot through sweat or you are working out for longer than 75 mins. That’s where I recommend Performance. As for food, I wait until after my workout to eat my carbs (Fruit is good afterwards, or higher glycemic veggies like sweet potato… + I always mix with some fat & protein here too). The first 3/4 of the day I eat just protein & fat (& usually some veggies). This will keep the body in a higher fat-burning state. It is recommended to eat within an hour of your workout. This is when the body is most depleted, so it will be craving that replenishment.
What heart rate monitor do you recommend?
This one 🙂 https://blog.realfit.tv/realfit-favorites-should-i-use-a-heart-rate-monitor/
Thanks Dana Lee!
You spoke about the correct model of heart rate model. what would you recommend?
This one: https://blog.realfit.tv/realfit-favorites-should-i-use-a-heart-rate-monitor/