[Black Friday Sale thru Nov 30th]
Go from Food Obsessed to Body Blessed in 90 days for $397
Enter BF2017 at checkout


✅  This Black Friday Sale is for YOU.
This is a gift and investment in YOURSELF because you have been known to put others before your own needs & that's part of why you struggle with eating, working out & feeling good about your body. This is a program to help you gain a new perspective on prioritizing self care.

✅  Stop the dieting.
This 12-module follow-along-from-home program is designed to help you break free from the perpetual diet cycle that has NEVER delivered the happiness and freedom that you thought it would. THIS COURSE creates trust in yourself to choose the right foods for YOU for the rest (& the best!) of your life.

✅  Redefine exercise on YOUR terms.
Trying to force yourself into workouts that hurt, make you feel crappy & you actually LOATHE are NOT the quickest path to getting results in your body & your metabolism (thank god, right!) THERE IS a better way for you & this revolutionary course teaches you how to define fitness, exercise & activity in your life ON YOUR TERMS.

✅  Make yourself a priority in your own schedule.
Every module in this step-by-step program offers short videos & writing exercises that slowly shifts your thinking from:
"I have to take care of everyone else first because the NEED me"
to a healthy way of being:
"I take care of myself first because I care about being the best wife, mother, sister, daughter, co-worker, boss I can possibly be!"

✅  Put negative thinking behind you.
Beating yourself up for over-eating, not exercising, being "over weight, being a crappy mom, an unattentive wife... YOU FILL IN THE BLANK ... does NOT help you. That thinking holds you back. When you learn that YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, you begin to have power over changing them to productive ones that propel you forward, ignite & inspire you to eat just the right amount, to move your body in ways that feel good, to know that you are doing the best you can with your kids and you are giving your relationship the love it needs to foster & grow. THOSE are the thoughts that will begin to put the negative ones in their place so they no longer keep you down!

✅  Get the tools & the resources that transform your body so you finally feel good in your own skin.
Each module in this unique program is layered in a way as a proven methodology that WORKS. As I take you through step-by-step, you will gain tools and resources that provide you with a greater understanding of YOURSELF. When you have that, body transformation is a natural side-effect.

✅  Offer ends November 30th!
Click here, hit the button to buy under the photo & enter code BF2017 at checkout to receive $100 off the paid in full offer.

Looking forward to see you join the RealFit Mindset movement where you never diet again, you look forward to exercise on YOUR terms and you live the rich, full life you are destined to live!!! 2018 can be that turning point for you.

Take advantage of the LOWEST RATE that this program will EVER be offered.

December 1st it goes up to $497 & in January, $797. GET IN NOWWWW!!!!

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