The Danger of Dieting As Usual

The Danger of Dieting As Usual

Dieting can no longer be the number one strategy for losing weight anymore. We know TOO much about the damaging side effects of counting calories and food restriction to go on like we’ve always done over the past 3 decades & expect it to actually create weight...
15 Minutes is All You Really Need

15 Minutes is All You Really Need

Did you know, it is NOT the length of workout time that really matters? What matters is: It gets done #doneisbetterthanperfect It's the most effective use of time possible #totalbodystrength Below is a short morning workout routine that gets all the muscle groups in...
Food Rules & Freedom

Food Rules & Freedom

It’s common to think that if you just get control over your eating & your workouts, you will finally be free!!!! What if I told you this was actually backwards? & instead, if you focus on freedom FIRST, only then you will have the greatest control. Don’t...

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