Watch Episode 2 here.

In perfect time for Valentine’s day, you get to see my reaction when I came home to evidence that my husband was drilling on our coffee table.

No, the holes weren’t on purpose. He decided to take an art project out of the cold garage & into our warm living room.

What I love about sharing this is that it’s an insightful peek into one of the many ways our marriage is still going strong after 11 years. Not many women would have the reaction that I did.

Steve was getting creative… which I love... and the truth is, channeling your creativity while having some fun again is part of getting on the path to happiness and fulfillment.

Neglecting creativity & fun is a big reason many women I work with are struggling with food & body image issues. They have shut down their connection to things they used to do & things they loved! Often times because they were busy raising children & they’ve put their wants & desires last.

My sister Amanda has a 9 year old & an 11 year old. And, while raising them she made a BIG decision to do something for herself - do the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Carolyn & Stephen at Highland Yoga in Butler, NJ.

And I made the decision to do it with her.

That is why episode 3 begins with something that Amanda & I consider a non-negotiable in our lives at this point. We take an almost-2-hour advanced yoga class every Monday at noon.

It is how we have transformed Mondays into a day we no longer dread.

Not only are we doing something we love… we feel challenged to do… we are also doing it together, which is awesome.

The biggest challenges in yoga for me have been getting over my fear of being upside down.

I know I’m strong, and I still have had to work on my belief that I can be upside down & be in control.

So, I practice in between training clients during the week. Because… practice makes possible. ?

Amanda has been a model student, doing her homework every day ?  Me? Not so much. But since this video, I’m happy to report, I have been studying a pose a day & a muscle group a day. #imlearning

The truth is, the anatomy stuff is review for me. I had been an average C student in high school, but when I got to college & found something I LOVED to study (exercise physiology) it came easy for me.

Doing what comes easy AND what you enjoy is important to acknowledge. I say that because most of what our families & society teach us is “this can’t be the way… this is too easy.” or “you have to work hard to make money” or “life ain’t easy.”

Good thing I listened to my gut and did what came easy to me anyway, otherwise you wouldn’t be on this vlog right now or doing my kick-ass workouts online. My whole life would be different. I would probably still be a graphic designer right now. Because although I loved being a designer, it definitely was not easy for me all of the time.

Putting healthy food together is another area of my life that I’d consider easy AND simple. Keep it simple to keep it sane.

Ya see, I don’t cook (other than our Hello Fresh meals I make with Steve) Instead, I put food together.

After a day of yoga & working in my office writing content all day, I decided to put zucchini spirals, meatballs, Organic spaghetti sauce & parmesan cheese together for a simple & sane, 10 minute dinner.

That’s my thinking when I plan my meals for the week: “what foods can I put together that would taste good?”

Post below! I want to know any or all of these 3 things:
1) How would you react if you came home to holes in the top of your coffee table?
2) What can you add into your Monday to help you feel happier about it?
3) What are your favorite “put-together” whole-food meals?

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