I'm home sick today. food poisoning sick. or something. Blah.

Do you get sick often? I can't remember the last time I was really sick to be honest. And even this time wasn't ridiculous. Thank god. But still, I had to cancel my appointments for the day. ugh. Not my favorite thing to do.

So, right now, I rest & recover. Nap a bit on & off, eat a frozen popsicle from time to time, & type up some emails or break out the sharpies & color when I'm feeling up to it. 🙂

Tomorrow I'm about to share a 5 step exercise that will help you put a pause on your holiday stress eating, whether that's home or at the office. It'll be great to tape to your computer or your fridge.

I have a whole "Holiday Stress Eating Survival Guide," that goes along with it (to handle parties, buffet eating & the holidays themselves), I will be delivering it thoroughly in a group coaching call tomorrow. Step by step. You can join me here.

And funny enough, one of the stress-eating tactics we'll discuss is ways to distract yourself.... this is my go-to tactic not just to contemplate stress eating, but also as way to unwind, in general, or to kill time when I'm tired of looking at devices.

I color. Coloring makes me happy 🙂 ANY & ALL times of the year. Even on my sick days.

Adults color too!










I know - my husband laughs at me too. But, it works! I'll break out my sharpies & my coloring book and it's like a meditation to me. I just love it. Do you color?

If you're getting anxious about holiday eating, I'd love to share my tried & true tactics with you just before us Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. It's perfect timing, especially being tempted by all the leftovers and the holiday party line-up coming in shortly behind.

What are some ways that you unwind & distract yourself from going straight to food, especially at night?

Comment below. Gimme some things that work for you!

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