Have you seen Brandon Carter's Workout From Hell Tabata Challenge?
I took the challenge (wholly SH*T!) & I am doing it with you real-time in this week's RealFit in 5 video, since Tabata is under 5 minutes. 😉
I did NOT run through it first... I am fresh to the challenge in this video, just like YOU!
It goes like this:
20/10 Scissor Lunges
20/10 Lizard Hops
20/10 Handstand kick-ups (or donkey kicks)
20/10 Double-knee Tuck Jump & Squat
x 2 = 4 minutes
Let me know how you do. Which exercise was the toughest for you? Why?
The handstand kick ups were the hardest for me, mostly because I am working on feeling more comfortable being upside down.
This was a total leg burn out... good thing we warm up first!!
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OK DID IT!!!!! couldn’t fully do lizard hops, but I made it all the way through!!!