Want to burn even MORE fat & reveal some arm definition from the results of your spin workout?
There are a few workouts in RealResults which I refer to as "Spintervals" because they incorporate upper body strength training in between cardio-pumping, leg burning speed work or climb challenges. In other words, it's HIIT using a spin bike.
This format inspired me to share a similar idea for you to incorporate into any spin video so you too, can get some solid arm work to compliment your ride especially with strappy tank tops & short sleeves coming our way.
This RealFit in 5 reveals 3 exercises you can do in an AMRAP style. Meaning, in thais case, As Many Rounds As Possible within the length of a song.
Here's my challenge to you:
1. Choose any cycling video.
2. Grab a set of dumbbells (maybe back-ups). I use 10's in my video, but perhaps you want to start with 5's.
3. Do the warm up & the first song.
4. Step off the bike & do this AMRAP for the entire length of the 3rd song:
10 reps: Hammer Curl + Shoulder Press
10 reps: Tricep Extensions
10 Reps: Side Raises
5. Get back on the bike & pedal your heart out.
Repeat this every other song. Work up to a total of 3 sets of AMRAPS within your cycling workout.
Try all 3 of my Spinterval Rides where I coach you on & off the bike the whole way, from start to finish. Join RealResults for 14 days here.