You are just ONE Mindset shift away...

...From living in a body you feel good about-- You feel proud of.

(because right now you might feel ashamed and maybe even angry with yourself.)

...From feeling comfortable around food in social situations.

(because right now you don’t exactly trust yourself around the appetizer table at parties.)

...From having the confidence that you are making the best food choices for YOU.

(because right now you are totally confused about carbs and fat and question if calorie-counting is really the way to go.)

...From knowing that your workouts are the getting you the results you deserve.

(because right now you work hard and don’t feel like it even makes a difference… would people even know you worked out if you didn’t tell them?)
The fitness and diet industry has lead you to believe that there is something wrong with you. And that the answer lies in the perfect diet and the ideal workout program. And if you aren’t dropping weight & keeping it off, then there is something you aren’t getting right. You must diet HARDER. You must DO MORE.
RealFit is here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with YOU.
The time has come to take a look at how your thoughts & beliefs are what brought you to experience the struggles with food, fitness & your body weight you have today.
If you want to finally live in a body you can accept and dare I say, actually LIKE, you will find many women that used to be where you are in this safe haven we call RealFit.

Who is Dana Lee?

Dana Lee is a 20+ year fitness industry veteran who holds a minor in Exercise Physiology. She has mastered over a dozen group fitness formats over her career, where she has had the added advantage of applying her skills learned through personal training to her group fitness classes. This level of coaching is hard to come by in the online video fitness world.

She has guided hundreds (if not thousands!) of women in their 30’s & 40’s to their ultimate freedom using practical and effective techniques that focus on education, self-discovery and real-world practice. These things, along with training guidance and mindset work, help women make lasting, doable changes, so they can more fully enjoy everything that life has to offer. No more sitting on the sidelines feeling like they aren’t worthy of being in the spotlight as the super star of their own movie.

In her free time, you can find Dana riding her motorcycle with her husband Steve, spending time with friends over good coffee & conversation, or practicing her handstands & arm balances in yoga.

The AMAZING MissFits

Amanda Wells

She's my wing-woman. Nothing on this site would be possible without Amanda. She is a mom of 2 awesome kids Noah & Chloe. She's a wife to a rebel-rouser & she's the sister to me! She's always up for a good strength challenge & she loves to workout in bare feet. Amanda does weekly cooking videos in the RealResults Coaching Program. She has a knack for cooking healthy, whole food (as much organic as possible) for a family of 4 on a budget.

Anita Gonzalez

The assistant to all things RealFit! She is head of members services and helps get our awesome workouts, coaching videos & other fun content into the site for your enjoyment. Anita is a mom of 2 great kids & a wife to a very smart man. While she's not assisting RealFit, Anita teaches BodyPump, Spinning, & Interval style classes at a few local gyms.

Lara Parchinski

The youngest MissFit of us all. Ahhh to be in your 20's! Lara's the quiet one, but she loves to be up front in our workouts. Always game for a new challenge. She just loves to laugh - & will not dance, btw... while everyone else makes asses of themselves. She's in the field of medical billing & in fact, just finished her degree. She's an awesome chick who is sure to inspire you to push yourself in your workout!

Barbara Mollenkott

Barbara is the one to shake her booty any chance she gets (like in between sets or when she just gets tired & just doesn't feel like lifting anymore lol). She's a teacher in our local middle school. She's a mom to 3 beautiful young ladies, Corrine, Sarina & Miranda, & a wife to a motorcycle enthusiast. In fact, we'll often go riding together on the weekends. Barbara is always sure to remind you to not take your workout so dang seriously... have FUN along the way!

Teresa Frasche

Teresa's our biggest trouble maker. And that's why we love her. I'm surprised she wasn't the one giving me the finger in this shot because she does in our videos! LOL She's always having fun in our workouts together & she makes it easy to lighten up on ourselves and just have a good time. She's in her 60's, but you wouldn't know it because of her spirit to lift strong & push herself. She's a mom to 2 adorable furbabies, Bear & Sebastian. She is one of my biggest instagators, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Eileen Frew

One thing to know about Eileen is that she is a HUGE hockey fan! NJ Devils, in particular. & although she's looking pretty sassy in these shots, she's actually one of the most grounded people I know. She's a mom to 2 grown kids, Cory & Carlee. She's a wife to a chef, she's a devoted Christian (yup, even followers of Jesus are known to flip the bird from time to time) & she works full time in IT. She's quite the inspiration because despite a shoulder issue & vulnerable ankles, she finds modifications and keeps at it which will help you remember to do the same.

Nicole Sacco

Oh, Nicole. She's the funniest of the bunch. The queen of sarcasm, this one! She only graces us with her presence in between her busy life married to Bob, getting her nails done & other social obligations. Nicole & I go WAYYY back & in fact, she used to take my classes when I was just a youngin' teaching at a few local gyms. Nicole eventually got her Group Ride certification & taught fitness classes for a few years. These days she follows along to RealFit at home with you guys when she's not fitness bombing our workout videos.

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