I hear it time & time again, “If the workout WORKED & was only 20 minutes, I would totally do it!”
If that’s you, AND you are up for a good challenge, then you’ll want to read this.
For the next 8 weeks you have a solid workout plan right here, with me.
No equipment. Just a mat & some ceiling height.
20 minutes a day during the weekdays, weekends off (and of course you can add yoga, hiking, walking, gentle stretching, etc… if you’re feeling inspired.)
Easily track your progression: You get a workout tracker to write down your reps & notes.
Follow along to a video: You don’t need to think about it on your own. Just log in & hit play.
Total body conditioning at it’s finest: Cardio & Strength. Balance & Agility. Your body will benefit for an entire 12-24 hours even AFTER the workout is over.
Warm up, workout & stretch WITHIN a 20 minute session. No joke.
I’m not one for sales or discounts on my workout programs (if you’ve been following me for awhile you know that I’ve never discounted our membership rate from $37/mo. It is what it is!), however, we are upgrading to a new platform (aka: website) & I want to test it out & I’d love your help. So, what better idea than to offer you an awesome rate on an awesome workout program that makes your life easier AND helps me flush out some kinks in the process? #winwinwin
Get it now. Don’t miss out. Once you’re in, you have it forevah!