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I’m a busy mom of 4 now and work full time outside the home so making time to go to the gym was not possible where I also felt I could still spend time with my family, so I get all of that and more with RealFit. I can get up early or squeeze a workout in at naptime. Now I’m 2 weeks postpartum with baby #4 and itching to ease back into my workouts (when doctor gives the okay) because I miss them and the encouragement from Dana but I also know that I have to be flexible and cut myself some slack taking care of a new baby as well as rest of the family and that is okay, I will still be able to achieve my goals.
Andrea N.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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RealFit focuses on overall health-mind, body and soul! It’s not about a number on a scale or comparing yourself to others.
Before I joined, I used to go the gym, get on a treadmill and count the minutes until I could go home. I was unhappy with my body and frequently had negative self talk. Now, I feel so strong! I am in the best shape of my life and love what I see in the mirror. The flexibility and variety of workouts available through RealFit.tv have been the biggest factor in my success..
Sara E.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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RealResults lives up to its name, it’s real. Your workouts are for real people, no matter what skill level. They are workouts that you can do without getting bored! In the videos, you are ACTUALLY working out with us, you sweat, you swear, you lift what you’d really lift. I love working out from home, I love the variety, I love the challenge, and I love your encouraging, uplifting spirit.
Esther T.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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No gimmicks! It’s real training with a real instructor…NOT their publicist telling them what to create, and there is no way you can plateau. I was bored for years with other workouts and my winter training on the bike was boring until I found Dana.
Ellen C.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]