I used to be the ultimate procrastinator on self-acceptance.
In fact, I feared it. So, I put it off & avoided it like the plague.
I thought that self-acceptance meant I was giving up. I would become lazy. I would stop working out. I would gain a ton of weight because I would stop caring about the food I put in my mouth.
Well, that’s FEAR for ya - False Evidence Appearing Real.
This turned out to be not true. Not true at ALL. In fact, quite the opposite. Self-acceptance has to be one of the most freeing things I could have done for myself.
I got to the point where I was sick of letting my body control the way I felt about myself (especially the scale!). It ruled my thoughts. It perpetuated my obsessive workout & eating behavior... & I finally got to the point where was done. with. it.
I started to see the possibility that it didn’t have to be this way.
I didn’t have to wait for my 18%-bodyfat body… or my 10-pounds-lighter body. I deserved to feel fierce and fearless in the body I had NOW dammit.
& YOU deserve to feel fierce & fearless in YOUR body RIGHT NOW too. You & I are no different.
If that seems too far of a reach for you, I totally understand. (remember, I was there too… for a very long time)
That is why I am recommending this awesome free training class so you can start to dip your toe in the water - start to see if this self-acceptance thing might be right for you.
If you're ready to GET RIGHT TO IT & break free of the shackles of self-doubt, then check out the free online Rock Your Body class from my friend Summer Innanen.
It’s a program I am promoting because I believe in it. Summer’s work dives in deeper than how far I can go on the topic with my RealFitters. It hones in on this specific area that so many women struggle with as part of the weight loss equation.
If you’ve been hung up on this part for too long, don’t miss out!